Blog Archives

What Is Hate Speech

This is…well, this is pretty messed up: Since when did the simple expression of our right of free speech and right to freedom of religion become ‘hate speech’?! How is the viewing of a manger scene ‘hate speech’?! This is

Posted in General Politics, Religion, Thought Police

Censorship Is On The Way

I wouldn't be surprised to see some major new efforts to censor free speech after January 20th rolls around.  Allow me to introduce the so-called Fairness Doctrine, which would be more appropriately named the Censorship Doctrine.  This is basically a

Posted in Leaning Left, Thought Police

Lame Duck Moves

President Bush is now officially a lame duck President. Normally, that means the President just lays low, avoids screw-ups, and starts writing a memoir. In Bush’s case, it looks like he’s still trying to do his job. Bush has pushed

Posted in Energy, General Politics, Health Care, Thought Police

Obama’s Axis Of Bias

More on the coming Obama thugocracy from Investor's Business Daily: Axis Of Bias By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Tuesday, October 28, 2008 4:20 PM PT Media: A major newspaper suppresses damning video of Barack Obama partying with pro-terrorism radicals.

Posted in Leaning Left, Thought Police

Packing The Court For Future Generations

I'd like to remind you of something I posted over a year ago: The New York Times published an editorial last week revealing another plan by the Democrats to take back control of the Supreme Court. The basic scenario is

Posted in Leaning Left, Thought Police

It’s Gut Check Time

Here's a great article from James Edmund Pennington at American Thinker (emphasis mine): McCain and his supporters have only a single battle cry for the last week, but it could be powerful: America, do you want to give unchecked, unlimited,

Posted in Economy, Leaning Left, Thought Police

Updates On Joe And West

Here are some updates for things that I've blogged about recently.Remember how someone looked into some private government files of Joe the Plumber to try to dig up some dirt?  Well, now we know who did it: Ohio's inspector general

Posted in Leaning Left, Thought Police

Quick Hits With Comments

I've got a bunch of links to stories that deserve at least a small comment.  Here we go… Global WarmingEight inches of hail in Nebraska?  More evidence for global warming, undoubtedly.  Some think we're on a global warming bubble, and

Posted in Environment, General Politics, Illegal Immigration, Leaning Left, Religion, Thought Police, War on Terror_Radical Islam

Thought Crimes In Canada

I've mentioned this before, but here's some great information on the attempt to stifle free speech and introduce thought crimes in Canada: Mark Steyn, my friend, colleague, and arguably the most talented political writer working today, is on trial for

Posted in Leaning Left, Thought Police

Election Updates, Internet Controls, And Stupid Criminal Of The Day

Control, control, control At a small panel discussion about digital piracy at NBC's booth on the Consumer Electronics Show floor, representatives from NBC, Microsoft, several digital filtering companies and telecom giant AT&T said the time was right to start filtering

Posted in Thought Police
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